• EIMA Delegation
    EIMA Delegation
    A Delegation of EAEA Members involved in Agribusiness at the Italian Embassy in Kampala. They were sent off by H.E. Domenico Fornara
  • EAC Intellectual Property Workshop
    EAC Intellectual Property Workshop
    Workshop to Validate the Draft Report for the EAC Regional Policy for Science Technology and Innovation and Intellectual Property on 24th-25th September 2018 at Kenya School of Monetary Studies, Nairobi, Kenya
  • Uganda-DRC Business Forum
    Uganda-DRC Business Forum
    The 7th Session of Uganda-DRC Joint Permanent Commission Senior officials meeting at Speke Resort Munyonyo, Meera conference hall. Strengthen cooperation between Uganda and DRC.
  • COMESA Competition Commission Training
    COMESA Competition Commission Training
    Sensitization And Training Of District Commercial Officers And Private Sector Umbrella Organizations On Competition Law And Practices At Ridar Hotel-Uganda 27th -28th September 2018
  • EAEA agri-business Members who attended the National Ploughing Championship, Dublin, Ireland 2018
  • Members of EAEA at a press meeting at the Irish Embassy in Kampala
  • A Delegation of EAEA Members at the Irish Embassy Kampala, before they set off to Ireland to attend the National Ploughing Championship
  • Ensuring that Entrepreneurs’ Interactions with national, regional & international organizations are mutually beneficial (Win-Win strategy).
  • Enhancing Skilled Human Capacity Development
  • We work to support the EAC economic, political, social and cultural integration
  • Promotion and development of markets both locally, regionally and internationally
  • Advocating for the rights of Entrepreneurs at all relevant national & regional fora, this includes but not be limited to: i) Government Ministries, departments and Authorities ii) Non-governmental organizations. iii) Councils and Municipalities iv) Any other relevant local, regional and international fora.
  • Encouraging the development of infrastructure (factory shells, incubation centers e.t.c) for the promotion of Entrepreneurs activities


Dr Ahmed Heikal, Founder and Chairman, Qalaa Holdings  

Qalaa Holdings’ Tawazon in Egypt announced signing a US$ 50 million, five-year contract with Ethiopia’s Messebo Cement to supply 100,000 tons of biomass annually which will be used as a source of energy to replace coal. As stipulated by the agreement between the two companies, Tawazon’s Waste Management subsidiary known as Egyptian Company for Solid Waste Recycling (ECARU) will be the technical manager and service provider responsible for collecting and processing local waste that will be converted to environmentally-friendly biofuel as compared to using natural gas, coal or oil that emit carbon.

Through lobbing and advocating for affordable, adequate and appropriate power solutions Uganda National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (UNCCI), can help its members gain interest in the production of energy through use of waste residue at a large industrial scale.  Uganda energy sector still has major gaps that need to be tapped into; these gaps are a contributor to the high power tariffs that are a pain to industrialists.  Uganda needs to prioritize the energy sector inorder to acquire affordable power and on the other hand tax dividends through regional trade.

Dr. Hisham Sherif, CEO ECARU, says they are exceptionally proud to be able to transfer knowledge and years of experience to the countries of sub-Saharan Africa where biomass as a source of renewable energy has been largely untapped. ECARU has been supplying biomass and RDF as alternative fuels to cement companies in Egypt for the past three years”.

Dr. Hisham Sherif, CEO of ENTAGECARU

The contract with Messebo Cement, a plant located in Mekelle, 780 km from Addis Ababa with a production capacity of 2 million tons of cement per annum, is renewable beyond the stipulated five-year time period under the same terms and conditions. It marks the first step in what could be a series of mutual cooperation agreements in the area of knowledge sharing and technology transfer between Egypt and Ethiopia.

TawazonQalaa Holdings’ subsidiary company for investment in the regional solid waste management industry, controls two companies: the Egyptian Company for Solid Waste Recycling (ECARU), a solid waste management service operator; and the Engineering Tasks Group (ENTAG), a solid waste management engineering and contracting company. Together, these two companies form a leading waste management enterprise with extensive operations in Egypt and an international project book in Oman, Malaysia, Sudan, Nigeria, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Syria.


Qalaa Holdings has invested in Tawazon as part of its energy portfolio which also includes TAQA Arabia, Egypt’s largest private sector energy distribution company and the Egyptian Refining Company (ERC), a US$ 3.7 billion refinery, Egypt’s largest in-progress, private sector mega project.  UNCCI members need to extensively tap into this sector because it is a vital input in other sectors and a major contributor to employment.

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