One of the mandate of EAEA to facilitate active participation of the private sector in regional integration. Our objective is to capacitate private sector to drive regional integration. We collaborate with a number
of stakeholders to facilitate the private sector to participate, influence and benefit from opportunities created through regional integration.
What has been done so far ? The following are some of the few interventions by EAEA in Supporting Regional Integration;
Disseminating vital processed information to the private sector via SMS, Media houses, emails, website, social media( Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc), print media, etc; like business information, Policy issues and position statements on regional integration.
The more information available to private sector, the more strategies developed to benefit from opportunities created by regional integration.
Facilitating review of policies, practices and programs impacting economic integration.
- Representation on the National Working Committee Improvement in production systems using better technologies while reducing costs.
- Training of TIDOs, Small Cross boarder Traders(CBTA) And Border Officials on STR and Related Integration Policies and Cross Border Trade Procedures
- Sensitization And Training Of District Commercial Officers And Private Sector Umbrella Organizations On Competition Law And Practices At Ridar Hotel-Uganda, September 27th -28th 2018
building regional coalitions through PPPs
Coordination and hosting of the National Small Cross border Traders Association
Facilitation of entrepreneurs to participate in regional events.