Basic Member

This category is open to aspiring entrepreneurs or enterprises whose operations are on subsistence level. This also includes entrepreneurs who may have done the preliminary work before starting their enterprise, but have not started actively serving customers sustainably.  However, this membership category contains very limited services.

Benefits of a Basic Member:

  1. Information sharing
  2. Updates on the Association’s activities
  3. Free Events calendar
  4. Free E-Newsletter.
  5. Free attendance at designated networking events, programs and other events that are indicated as open.
  6. Free listing on EAEA Website
  7. Other benefits that the association may from time to time determine.

How to become a Basic member
-Pay Annual Registration fee of Ugx: 35,000.
-No Membership subscription fee

Note: Basic members are not eligible to Attend or vote at AGMs and any closed members’ events.

Click to Download: Membership Application Form
Application Form

Membership Subscription

Affiliate Member(2,535,000USh )
Select Your Payment Cycle
2,535,000 UGX as One Time payment for 1 year
Select Your Payment Cycle
1,235,000 UGX as One Time payment for 1 year
Select Your Payment Cycle
685,000 UGX as One Time payment for 1 year
Select Your Payment Cycle
305,000 UGX as One Time payment for 1 year
Select Your Payment Cycle
35,000 UGX as One Time payment for 1 year
    Strength: Very Weak
    Select Your Payment Gateway
    How you want to pay?
    Payment Summary

    Your currently selected plan : , Plan Amount :
    Coupon Discount Amount : , Final Payable Amount:

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