EAEA is a decentralized association with a Secretariat and Six National chapters each with zonal/ provincial offices and district branches within East Africa.
EAEA Secretariat
EAEA Secretariat is the central coordination office for all activities of EAEA internally and externally headed by the President and Secretary General.
Location: EAEA Secretariat is located at Plot 19B, Chorley Crescent, Luzira, Nakawa Division, Kampala Uganda, P.O Box 21592, Kampala, Tel: +256 393 208214, Email: secretariat@eaentrepreneurs.org ; Info@eaentrepreneurs.org.
EAEA National Executive Committees / National Chapters
EAEA has Six National chapters based on East African countries, which are the National Headquarters of EAEA in Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi, and South Sudan.
The National Chapter is headed by the National Chairperson who oversee the activities of the National Executive Committee (NEC) and presides over the general management of EAEA at the National level.
The Chief Executive Officer of the NEC is the Country Director who is responsible for:
- The Management of the affairs of the NEC
- The day to day administration of the National office
- Attending and recording the minutes of the NEC and the Annual National General meeting and committees established by the NEC.
EAEA National Chapter Locations
Uganda: The Uganda Chapter headquarter is located at Plot 19B, Chorley Crescent, Luzira, Nakawa Division, Kampala, Tel: +256701342220, Email: info@eaentrepreneurs.org, with 9 regional offices, 90 district branches and 12 border offices.
Kenya: The Kenya Chapter headquarter is located at P.O Box No. 65824-00607, Nairobi, Kenya, Tel No. 254- 722457682, Email: kenya@eaentrepreneurs.org with 7 province offices and 90 district branches.