Premium membership is open to enterprises classified as small sized enterprises. They employee between 5 and 49 people and have total assets between UGX.10million but not exceeding 100 million.
Specific benefits of Premium members are:
All benefits enjoyed by a silver Member plus the following
- Business to Business (B2B) networking and linkage programs
- Trade Mission participation
- Visa Recommendations
- Recommendation for bidding and Tendering
- Recommendation in financial sourcing
- Participation in partially sponsored events & Exhibitions
- Receive the exclusive Premium member newsletter that gives insights into growing your business.
- An allocated space on the website.
- Display your company’s promotional materials and other marketing materials at our offices.
- Assistance in sourcing funding for your business through our networks.
- Lobbying and advocacy services, where the Premium member’s issue is of a nature that affects several other members’ operations.
- Attend and vote at general meetings of the Association.
- Participation in the nomination process of electing the board committees
- Access to donor contacts
- Other additional benefits that as the Association may from time to time unveil
How to become a Premium member
-Pay Registration fee of UgX.35,000
-Pay Annual Membership Subscription fee of UgX. 650,000.