• EIMA Delegation
    EIMA Delegation
    A Delegation of EAEA Members involved in Agribusiness at the Italian Embassy in Kampala. They were sent off by H.E. Domenico Fornara
  • EAC Intellectual Property Workshop
    EAC Intellectual Property Workshop
    Workshop to Validate the Draft Report for the EAC Regional Policy for Science Technology and Innovation and Intellectual Property on 24th-25th September 2018 at Kenya School of Monetary Studies, Nairobi, Kenya
  • Uganda-DRC Business Forum
    Uganda-DRC Business Forum
    The 7th Session of Uganda-DRC Joint Permanent Commission Senior officials meeting at Speke Resort Munyonyo, Meera conference hall. Strengthen cooperation between Uganda and DRC.
  • COMESA Competition Commission Training
    COMESA Competition Commission Training
    Sensitization And Training Of District Commercial Officers And Private Sector Umbrella Organizations On Competition Law And Practices At Ridar Hotel-Uganda 27th -28th September 2018
  • EAEA agri-business Members who attended the National Ploughing Championship, Dublin, Ireland 2018
  • Members of EAEA at a press meeting at the Irish Embassy in Kampala
  • A Delegation of EAEA Members at the Irish Embassy Kampala, before they set off to Ireland to attend the National Ploughing Championship
  • Ensuring that Entrepreneurs’ Interactions with national, regional & international organizations are mutually beneficial (Win-Win strategy).
  • Enhancing Skilled Human Capacity Development
  • We work to support the EAC economic, political, social and cultural integration
  • Promotion and development of markets both locally, regionally and internationally
  • Advocating for the rights of Entrepreneurs at all relevant national & regional fora, this includes but not be limited to: i) Government Ministries, departments and Authorities ii) Non-governmental organizations. iii) Councils and Municipalities iv) Any other relevant local, regional and international fora.
  • Encouraging the development of infrastructure (factory shells, incubation centers e.t.c) for the promotion of Entrepreneurs activities

Training of Innovation Coaches – STARTUP10 Project, CIHEAM BARI, Italy

The recent conclusion of the Innovation Coach Training program marks a significant milestone for the STARTUP10 Project, a groundbreaking initiative led by CIHEAM Bari, Italy. Dedicated to enhancing entrepreneurial capabilities and fostering sustainable innovation in the “Green” and “Blue” Economy Sectors, this project is poised to make a lasting impact in 10 partner countries, including Algeria, Egypt, Tunisia, Jordan, Lebanon, Kenya, Uganda, Ethiopia, Albania, and Bosnia.

From January 29th to February 2nd, 2024, CIHEAM Bari, Italy hosted the intensive Innovation Coach Training program, bringing together 21 participants from local incubators.

These Innovation Coaches, carefully selected based on their roles and training needs, underwent rigorous training conducted by international experts. The program aimed to equip them with the knowledge and skills necessary to support teams working on challenges and open innovation projects, thereby driving sustainable entrepreneurship in their respective countries. EAEA was represented Mr. Vincent Olema who attended in-person in CIHEAM Bari, Italy.

The overarching goal of the STARTUP10 Project is to promote food security and youth employment across partner countries by strengthening business incubators and supporting local startups. Through initiatives such as management training courses and business coaching programs, the project aims to consolidate 140 local startups operating in the Agri-food sector and the “green” and “blue” economy. By fostering entrepreneurial collaboration and leveraging applied high technology in agriculture, the project seeks to create tangible opportunities for growth and development.

The STARTUP10 Project is a response to the pressing challenges of food insecurity and youth unemployment in Sub-Saharan Africa and the Eastern Mediterranean. By aligning with the government perspectives of the “Mattei Plan” and collaborating with Italian entrepreneurship, the project endeavors to foster sustainable innovation and drive economic growth in target regions.

With the successful completion of the Innovation Coach Training, the STARTUP10 Project now moves forward to the next phase: the launch of the STARTUP10 initiative in the 10 partner countries. This phase will involve selecting and supporting 140 local startups through a comprehensive coaching program, culminating in economic support for 21 winning startups.

The completion of the Innovation Coach Training represents a significant step forward for the STARTUP10 Project, signaling its commitment to fostering innovation and entrepreneurship in the Mediterranean and Africa regions. As the project progresses, it is poised to unlock new opportunities, empower local startups, and create a legacy of sustainable growth and development.

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