• EIMA Delegation
    EIMA Delegation
    A Delegation of EAEA Members involved in Agribusiness at the Italian Embassy in Kampala. They were sent off by H.E. Domenico Fornara
  • EAC Intellectual Property Workshop
    EAC Intellectual Property Workshop
    Workshop to Validate the Draft Report for the EAC Regional Policy for Science Technology and Innovation and Intellectual Property on 24th-25th September 2018 at Kenya School of Monetary Studies, Nairobi, Kenya
  • Uganda-DRC Business Forum
    Uganda-DRC Business Forum
    The 7th Session of Uganda-DRC Joint Permanent Commission Senior officials meeting at Speke Resort Munyonyo, Meera conference hall. Strengthen cooperation between Uganda and DRC.
  • COMESA Competition Commission Training
    COMESA Competition Commission Training
    Sensitization And Training Of District Commercial Officers And Private Sector Umbrella Organizations On Competition Law And Practices At Ridar Hotel-Uganda 27th -28th September 2018
  • EAEA agri-business Members who attended the National Ploughing Championship, Dublin, Ireland 2018
  • Members of EAEA at a press meeting at the Irish Embassy in Kampala
  • A Delegation of EAEA Members at the Irish Embassy Kampala, before they set off to Ireland to attend the National Ploughing Championship
  • Ensuring that Entrepreneurs’ Interactions with national, regional & international organizations are mutually beneficial (Win-Win strategy).
  • Enhancing Skilled Human Capacity Development
  • We work to support the EAC economic, political, social and cultural integration
  • Promotion and development of markets both locally, regionally and internationally
  • Advocating for the rights of Entrepreneurs at all relevant national & regional fora, this includes but not be limited to: i) Government Ministries, departments and Authorities ii) Non-governmental organizations. iii) Councils and Municipalities iv) Any other relevant local, regional and international fora.
  • Encouraging the development of infrastructure (factory shells, incubation centers e.t.c) for the promotion of Entrepreneurs activities

Promoting Gender Equity: A Cornerstone for Sustainable Development

Gender equity is crucial for social, economic, and political progress, promoting fairness and impartiality regardless of gender. In our rapidly evolving world, it’s not only a moral imperative but also essential for fostering inclusive growth across all aspects of life.

On February 21-22, 2024, Feed the Future Uganda Institutional and Systems Strengthening (ISS) Activity, a global initiative led by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), organized a foundational training on Gender and Equity. The training brought together focal persons from various stakeholders, including the East Africa Entrepreneurs Association (EAEA), represented by Ms. Sharon Nabakooza and Mr. Vincent Olema. Held at the Feed the Future Office in Nakawa Park, the event aimed to equip participants with essential knowledge and skills to promote gender equity within their organizations, businesses, and communities. This article highlights the importance of Gender and Equity across different spheres of life.

  1. Business: Gender equity drives innovation, productivity, and market opportunities. By providing equal access to resources and leadership roles, businesses can maximize their workforce’s potential and achieve sustainable growth.
  2. Home: Gender equity starts at home, breaking down traditional roles and empowering individuals to pursue their aspirations freely. Shared responsibilities lead to thriving families and environments that value diversity.
  3. Institutional Societies: Institutions shape societal norms and practices. Integrating gender equity into policies and programs promotes fairness and justice, addressing systemic barriers in education, healthcare, and justice.

As EAEA, we emphasize the importance of integrating gender equity into all aspects of our businesses, including hiring, promotions, product development, and customer engagement. By championing gender equity, EAEA members can drive positive change and lead by example for others. Gender equity is not just an ideal but a practical necessity for creating a more just, inclusive, and prosperous society. Let us, as members of the East Africa Entrepreneurs Association, commit to promoting gender equity within our businesses and beyond. Together, we can dismantle barriers and create opportunities for all, paving the way for a brighter and more equitable future for generations to come.

NB: In pursuit of this goal, we will be organizing a one-day training session on Gender and Equity for our members. Stay tuned for more details on how to participate. Email: eaeauganda@gmail.com

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