Greening Uganda’s Urbanization and industrialization Project Funded by GGGI and European Union

Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) has partnered with the Government of Uganda to undertake a three-year project funded by the European Union, titled Greening Uganda’s Urbanization, and industrialization to support the implementation of green interventions including urbanization, waste management, and industrialization among others.

To unlock investment opportunities along the oil waste value chain, a detailed study was commissioned in June 2022 and a consultant was hired. The consultant made consultations with the government and other stakeholders in the oil value chain (transporters, generators, processors, regulators, end users, storage, and disposers) from which an analysis report was drafted. Coverage of the value chain study included the Greater Kampala Metropolitan Area, the Cities of Mbarara, and Gulu.

A value chain analysis report was prepared to identify waste oil flows, key players, investment opportunities, and policy gaps, and the same was presented on Tuesday, March 21, 2023, at Golden Tulip, Kampala city to discuss these opportunities. The report highlighted the ongoing developments and interventions within the sector, gaps, case studies on best practices, a profile of investment opportunities, and a draft action plan.

Based in South Korea, Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) is a treaty-based international organization that supports developing and emerging economies to achieve sustainable and inclusive economic growth. The thematic areas include waste management, sustainable energy, sustainable landscapes, green buildings, gender and social inclusion, and sustainable transport.

Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) is to provide technical assistance. The project directly supports the implementation of NDP III. One of the outcomes is concerned with efficient and effective waste management through the demonstration of the waste to Resource Approach in the Greater Kampala Metropolitan Area (GKMA).


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